
Fresno Lawn Bowls Club has been in existence for a long time and a stalwart membership group continues to play year round. In winter our green may look more brown, but that is what happens to natural grass when cut very short.

Current Hours: Saturdays at 9:30am

Call or email first when in doubt:

Craig Bigham,  (559) 440-0321,

Annual membership is FREE while we have funds in the bank. Free loaner bowls too and full membership in the PIMD Division of Lawn Bowls USA so you can play in any regional or national tournaments.

All you really need to start with is a pair of flat soled shoes and a willing heart. It is the affordable gentle sport that is ideal for its social relaxation and gentle movement. It is a lot better than sitting on the couch!

Please come by and try the sport a few times before you join. Free lessons, everyone welcome 18 to 88. With free loaner bowls at any time.

Thanks to the City of Fresno (who owns the facility), we maintain the green and they help with the rest of the maintenance. We are in the corner of Holmes Park.

Fresno Lawn Bowls Club

212 S First St

Fresno, CA 93702

A stone in our memorial patio

A stone in our memorial patio